When it comes to dentures, we have you covered! Our Removable department has worked for prestigious schools in complicated restorations and has brought that knowledge to everyday cases. If you need functional and perfectly individualized removable options, you have come to the right place. IDOC provides Digital dentures, Immediate full dentures and Stayplates, regular full dentures, premium all natural full dentures, Traditional partial dentures, premium VALPLAST® / TCS® Partial Denture, VALPLAST® / TCS® Combo Partial Denture (Metal Framework), Nightguards and Overdentures, and Custom Trays. Whatever your patient needs, we have it.
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3 business day
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2-4 business day
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2 business day
4 business day
3 business day
2 business day
24 Hour in lab service
Day case is shipped + # of lab working days + return shipping (5pm) = Total time for case to be returned
Available Material: Acrylic Full/Partial Denture, TCS/Valplast/4C Flex Partials or TCS/Valplast Combo Partials, All Natural Denture. UPGRADE AVAILABLE for Vitallium Frame Work10 business day
5 business day
6 business day
7 business day
8 business day
6 business day
5 business day
4 business day
6 business day
5 business day
5 business day
4 business day
4 business day
4 business day
Framework Try-In
Bisque Try-In
Please call (877) 388 4362 or email us at: shipping@idocdentallab.com in order to expedite your request. You can also go to IDOCDENTALLAB.com and request a pick up on the support tab. Please provide your account # or address/phone #.