Happy people make happy customers.
*Click on each line to expand for more details
In Lab Schedule
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
12 business day
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
7 business day
6 business day
6 business day
4 business day
4 business day
7 business day
4 business day
3 business day
3 business day
5 business day
2-4 business day
2 business day
2 business day
4 business day
3 business day
2 business day
24 Hour in lab service
Day case is shipped + # of lab working days + return shipping (5pm) = Total time for case to be returned
Available Material: Acrylic Full/Partial Denture, TCS/Valplast/4C Flex Partials or TCS/Valplast Combo Partials, All Natural Denture. UPGRADE AVAILABLE for Vitallium Frame Work10 business day
5 business day
6 business day
7 business day
8 business day
6 business day
5 business day
4 business day
6 business day
5 business day
5 business day
4 business day
4 business day
4 business day
Framework Try-In
Bisque Try-In
Please call (877) 388-4362 or email us at: shipping@idocdentallab.com in order to expedite your request. You can also go to IDOCDENTALLAB.com and request a pick up on the support tab. Please provide your account # or address/phone #.
Instruction On Each Program (ITERO, SIROS)
For convenience and time saving in coordinating your patient schedule, you can send a digital scan files directly through your CEREC oral scanner system.
Here are the directions
If you have any questions, contact IDOC (877) 388-4362. We have wonderful C/S team for technical support.
For convenience and time saving in coordinating your patient schedule, you can send a digital scan files directly through your 3shape Trios oral scanner system.
Here are the directions
If you have any questions, contact IDOC (877) 388-4362. We have wonderful C/S team for technical support.
For convenience and time saving in coordinating your patient schedule, you can send digital scan files directly through your Itero oral scanner system.
Here are the directions
If you have any questions, contact IDOC (877) 388-4362. We have wonderful C/S team for technical support.
For convenience and time saving in coordinating your patient schedule, you can send a digital scan files directly through your Medit oral scanner system.
Here are the directions
If you have any questions, contact IDOC (877) 388-4362. We have wonderful C/S team for technical support.
Lab Slips